Tuesday, January 6, 2009


A New Year's resolution is a commitment that an individual makes to a project or the reforming of a habit, often a lifestyle change that is generally interpreted as advantageous. The name comes from the fact that these commitments normally go into effect on New Year's Day and remain until fulfilled or abandoned.

So as some of you may know, my life has taken a turn and I'm starting a new chapter in my life. For me I usually do not bother with New Year's Resolutions but this year it just seems fitting. I have a desire to change a lot about me and my life this year and setting goals (resolutions) is the best way for me to achieve those goals. The reason for the new blog is to help me visually see my progress throughout the year and have those closest to me hold me accountable. I have big dreams and goals for 09 and I have this fire under me to get them all accomplished and go above and beyond my own expectations.

Ok... my resolutions... some are very cliche but some are very original and others will be extremely difficult for me but might seem easy to others. All-in-all... I'm wanting to improve 2 things in my life: Self Discipline and Self Esteem. I'm hoping to replace bad habits with new positive habits that help me to grow into a beautiful person from the inside out. Here's the list as of today but I will probably add to it as time goes on.
  1. Diet and Exercise: Ok seems pretty simple and the most likely one to fail miserably; however, I have more incentive to do this then most. My health issues with my migraines has really scared me a lot here recently and I'm still working on getting answers about them but my eyes have really opened up to the reality of how I'm living my life. The foods I'm eating, the lack of exercise, the inability to sleep... which all leads to no energy. So no more of the following: fast food, fried food, sodas, coffee, etc. From now on it's all healthy food and water and juice only. I'm not going on a strick diet to lose weight but more to get the most out of my workouts. I'm joining a gym as soon as I find one I like and will work out a lot. I truly love working out and running. I want to get my "pre-baby body" back and better then it was before.
  2. Television: No more tv...no more reality shows, greys, private practice, extreme home makeover, desperate housewives, brothers & sisters, heros, one tree hill, the hills, the city, smallville, omg... it keeps going...see my point! Well of course there are exceptions to this rule like football and movies. However, the point I'm trying to make is how I've come to realize just how much time I waste planted on the couch in front of the tube not doing anything productive and wasting time away that I'll never get back. That could have been time used to do something much more productive which leads me to my 3rd resolution...
  3. Reading: For those who truly know me won't believe me when I say this but I LOVE reading. I just hated it growing up because we were forced to read things that did not interest me at all. Now I have decided to take all of that tv wasting time and turn it into a new habit. I'm starting this goal out small and hopefully it will grow. I want to read one book each month for the next year. I'm hoping to do more then one a month but as life changes and having a toddler... I figured one book a month would be a reasonable goal to start with.
  4. Four Letter Words: No more... no more swearing... I don't know why I do it. Maybe it's because I hear it so much at work, around friends, in movies and on tv that it just becomes a habit. I know it's not a good habit so now is a great time to kick it. Plus I have a toddler who repeats everything he hears... even more incentive to watch my tongue.
  5. 101 in 1001: So my friend Jessica introduced me to a list called 101 in 1001. Basically you create a list of 101 things you want to accomplish and you have 1001 days to complete everything on your list. That's just shy of 3 years to complete 101 things... seems reasonable and that's why I'm going to start a list. I'm working on it and might post it later. I'm doing this mainly because the world is such a busy place and we can easily get swept into a routine of doing the same old same old all the time that we finally stop and look up and years have gone by and things we always wanted to do never happened. This is my way of making sure I stay grounded and never lose site of the things I enjoy most about life.
  6. Budget: Get on a budget and stay on a budget... I have a lot of things I want Brock and I to do this year so being on a budget will help me plan for those things and insure they happen.
  7. School: I want to sign up for school and get on the ball with finishing my degree. I am so eager to get back to school. I hate that I had to stop school before Brock was born and that it has taken me 2 years to get back into but I'm very ready now and looking forward to it. As of right now I want to finish my degree in Secondary Education so I can be a high school teacher.
  8. Devotional: I am wanting to grow my relationship with Christ this year. It has been pushed to the side for several years now and I know it needs to be a top priority. This one really should be at the top of my list because without Christ in my life I will not be able to accomplish all my goals I have. But because I don't want to copy, paste, and move everything... we'll just pretend it's at the top of the list... It really is my top priority. If anyone has any suggestions for a great daily devotional that would be extremely helpful. Also, I'm looking for a new church for Brock and I to call home on Sundays.

Ok so that's my goals/ resolutions for 2009. Seems like a lot but most are just replacing old habits with new. Please pray for me as I get to work on these this month. This is going to be a hard month but I know I can do this because I have the drive and desire to do this.

Ok so that is it for now.


  1. Bethany, your list of resolution list looks great! I will be praying for you as you strive to accomplish those things. I can't wait to read your 101 in 1001 list. I started mine this past August and (I think) its helping me to stay focused on what I want to accomplish.

  2. How is the 101 in 1001 list coming? This is an interesting idea. I may start creating one myself, though I may be disappointed if I don't complete it... I liked your list. Very thorough, better than "Lose weight, be nicer, drink less". LoL. I did find that losing weight for me was not saying "here's when I'm gonna start, and I have to stick with it". It took looking within, finding a reason to do it, and using that reason as motivation to keep me on track, even when I take a few days off. Find joy in completing the steps to all your resolutions and you will stay on track. I mean I used to hate sweating, for instance, but realized when working out that the sweat and energy reminded me of something else... :) So find something else in everything you do (not necessarily my something else, lolol), and I'll try to remember to ask about your progress. In the mean time, I'll try to figure out how to incorporate a budget into my life, thanks for that one. I am making too much money to see it gone every month.

  3. wonderful list! maybe you'll share your 101? cheering you on!
